Recommended: The Circle

The Circle appears to be the perfect corporation. Its aim is laudable. It seeks to use advanced technologies to put an end to crime, corruption, violence, misinformation, and other forms of human and natural calamities. If you work at The Circle, you are a valued employee. They provide you with an array of social events - parties, performances, concerts, and games with top-of-the-line health care, nutrition, housing, and they let you test products that are not yet released to the market. The Circle cares about you, your ideas, and your participation in the community. What will you give to work at such a place?

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Misquotations and stuff

I'll admit it. When I see a good quotation, I often use it (i.e., retweet it) before I check out its source and authenticity. A good example would be the recent Martin Luther King quotation that spread after Osama bin Laden was killed.

The story behind this misattribution, according to The Atlantic, is that it went viral after Jessica Dovey posted a status update on Facebook but added MLK's quotation at the end and the two became associated:

From Jessica Dovey:

"I will mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy."

From Martin Luther King Jr.:

“Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”

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On A Lighter Note

If you don't frequent YouTube, you might not know who KevJumba is. As of now, he's the #12 most subscribed YouTube channel of all time and at one time, the #1 most subscribed comedian (he's since slipped to #9 now). When he first started, he was just an average Chinese American teenager posing light-hearted videos to make people laugh. His videos have gradually gained a following of viewers around the world. At the time of this posting, he has around 1.5 million subscribers. His videos get viewed an average of 2 million times, totaling 156 million times as a whole. Since then, he's gained the attention the likes of Jessica Alba, Richard Marx, the Harlem Globetrotters, and Baron Davis. These are some impressive creds by YouTube standards, especially for someone who isn't really trying to do anything more than making people laugh.

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